You’ll Be Humbled and Amazed by Wyoming
The most iconic sights across this big, beautiful state

Wyoming is a unique place, filled with wide open spaces and lots of history. Although it’s one of the least heavily populated states in the US, Wyoming still draws visitors in with its natural beauty and amazing scenery. If you’re passing through the state, or if you’re looking for some great places to visit in Wyoming, you can’t miss these. Here are some of the most iconic sights you’ll see in all of Wyoming.

Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park
There may be more well-known spots in Yellowstone National Park, but few are as photographed as the gorgeous Prismatic Spring. This natural thermal spring is nearly the size of a football field and is a dazzling array of bright colors. The vibrant orange, yellow, and green rings around the outer edge of the spring owe their colors to heat-loving bacteria that thrive there. The center of the spring is a vivid, vibrant blue that is simply picture-perfect.
Take all the photos you want, but don’t get too close to the pretty waters. The temperature of the water in the spring is around 160 degrees Fahrenheit. The water in the center of the spring is sterile due to the intense heat. The Prismatic Spring isn’t the only spring in Yosemite, but it’s definitely the most iconic one.

Grand Teton National Park
The great Teton Mountains are arguably one of the most iconic symbols of Wyoming’s wild rural beauty. The Grand Teton National park is a jewel in the crown of this mountain range. It’s filled with crystal blue lakes, wide open grassland, and an extensive variety of plants and wildlife.
At the park’s center, Jackson Lake has everything you could ask for in a landmark. It’s stunningly beautiful and there are plenty of recreational activities to engage in there. Spend a day or stay for a few days so you can enjoy all that the Grand Teton National Park has to offer. Just be sure to bring your camera so you can capture the iconic sights for yourself.

Fossil Lake Wyoming/Fossil Butte National Monument
Nothing emphasizes the vast openness and emptiness of Wyoming’s cold sagebrush desert than the echoes of a dead lake filled with the fossils of plants and creatures that died centuries ago. Some of the world’s best fossils are here, having lain in the dried up lake bed undisturbed for years. Fossil Butte National Monument rises up some 1000 feet above the lake bed, providing a stunning backdrop to the fascinating fossil wasteland.

Devil’s Tower
Wyoming may not seem like the sort of place you’d expect to find a volcano, that’s exactly what the Devil’s Tower is–the core of an ancient volcano that has been exposed after many years of erosion. Devil’s Tower is a national monument that may look familiar to many people. It was used in the film ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind.’ It’s one of the most popular attractions in Wyoming, and not just because of the monument’s role in the film.
The monument is important among several Native American tribes. Many tribes still use the monument for traditional ceremonies. Today’s visitors can hike the trails around the monument, climb the rocky ledges nearby, and enjoy the natural beauty of the area. It’s a popular place not only for visitors but for locals as well.

Bighorn Canyon
Bighorn Canyon is an impressive sight best seen from above. From the sky, you can appreciate the depth of the gorges carved by the Bighorn River. Of course, the canyon is still spectacular from the ground or the water, whether you’re kayaking the river or hiking in the hills and gorges. The landscape here is vast and wild, an untamed section of America that harkens back to the days of the wild frontier.
Visitors can expect more than just breathtaking views at the Canyon. There are over 150,000 acres in the Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area. It’s filled with a wild diversity of animals and ecosystems, making it a great place to see nature doing what it does best. Bighorn Canyon is quite simply an adventure waiting to happen, so make a point to visit this iconic site on your next trip to Wyoming.

Hot Springs State Park, Thermopolis
If you’re looking for the place where the buffalo roam, this is probably what you’re looking for. Not only is this one of Wyoming’s ‘hottest’ tourist spots, but it’s also a beloved location for native Wyomingites. There’s a herd of bison (not quite buffalo, but close) in the park and a free bath house with 104-degree water to sooth away your aches and pains. The mineral springs in the park are said to have healing properties, and locals certainly believe this to be true.
The Rainbow Terraces in Hot Springs State Park are created by runoff from the hot springs. The minerals, algae, and plankton in them give them a rainbow appearance. There’s also a suspension bridge that lets you cross above the Bighorn River and the Rainbow Terraces. It’s these details that make Hot Springs State Park such an iconic part of Wyoming’s natural attractions.

The capital of Wyoming is probably one of the state’s most iconic sites. It has managed to retain the grit and glamour of the Old West while still offering visitors a taste of the modern luxuries they crave. Rodeos, railroads, and museums galore fill the city, offering both a glimpse of the state’s past and a chance to experience the traditions that have been maintained throughout the years.
Because of Cheyenne railroad history, railway enthusiasts can enjoy a number of rail-related attractions including the world’s largest steam locomotive. Horse-drawn carriage rides and horseback rides are also popular with visitors to the city. And if you’re looking for western music, museums, or clothing, you’ll find it in Cheyenne.

Wyoming Territorial Prison State Historic Site
Nothing says ‘Wild West’ like the old-time prison located near Laramie. It was built in 1872 and used as a prison until 1901. Its most famous inmate, Butch Cassidy, was held here from 1894-1896. Step back in time when you tour its halls and learn about justice in the old, Wild West.